
Fuck off

The longer you live, the more you realize that the only person your feelings and emotions inconvenience is yourself. Only you bear the burdens, and shoulder the yoke of your own problems. No one else has to feel the gravity of your decisions, or feel like shit when they come crashing down. 
It would be a lot easier if others stopped pretending to care, or jump in and intercede on your behalf. They don't give a shit, never have and never will. 
But they won't, it wouldn't be good form, or let them off the hook for feeling responsible, or at least culpable for the mess running down the floor, and into the storm drain.
At the end of the day it really is best to leave things to ourselves, and leave the outside world out of our personal affairs. They cant, won't, and don't give a shit, and to be fair it's not their job to do so.
So fuck off outside world, don't want and don't need you, not that you'd do shit about anything anyway. I'll go forth and figure it out myself, and be better off for the experience

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